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Changing History--For all Aspiring Physicians (Family and Friends) (2265 hits)
Hello everyone, my name's Aliyah Al-Islam and I'm a proud PVAMU Graduate (Class of 2018). I graduated with a BS in Biology, Minor in Chemistry. I went on to pursue a MD. But did you know that only 5% of this country's physicians are Black? We are so underrepresented you can't imagine what that does to aspiring physician's mentality. I can however because I recall the negative thoughts I had to overcome to make it to where I am today--a 3rd year medical school student. I decided a little less than a month ago, I needed to change things, so I'm starting with a youtube channel. My channel (DocAllie) promotes representation, inspiration, and tries to remove the stigma behind IMG/Caribbean medical schools. My journey was far from perfect, and if I can help as many aspiring physicians avoid the mistakes I made, and mentor those who may not have a mentor, I will feel fulfilled. So please share my channel with any aspiring physicians you may know. And subscribe yourself if you'd like to follow the journey of a young black woman pursuing her M.D. and striving for greatness along the way.

Posted By: Aliyah Al-Islam
Monday, September 19th 2022 at 7:51PM
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